ISM Nivelul 4 pentru managerii de cont și conturi cheie
ISM Nivelul 4 pentru managerii de cont și conturi cheie
Nu s-a putut încărca disponibilitatea ridicării
Negociere avansată
Conducerea unei echipe de vânzări
Propuneri de vânzare
LinkedIN pentru vânzări
Finanțe pentru manageri non-financiari
Rezolvarea creativă a problemelor
Marcare personală
Managementul vanzarilor
Managementul propunerilor
Perspicacitatea financiară
Huburi de învățare
ISM International Sales Diploma

Level 4 qualifications are Vocationally Related Qualifications designed for sales professionals in an operational sales role, often managing others and allocating resources. They cover the theoretical and practical sales and marketing knowledge and skills required by aspiring sales managers and practicing sales managers to enable them to succeed in the workplace.
+150 Countries Recognition
+100 Years Tradition
+40 Competencies
7 Levels
+70,000 Members Worldwide

ISM Courses are not just simple sales workshops, I would describe them rather as an experience which ay professional should have at least once in a lifetime. What did ISM mean to me in just a few words: 'Challenger Approach', negotiation and positioning techniques, methods to better understand our clients, new sales trends and last but not least the best community I've ever been a part of.
Account Manager,
ISM Level 4 Student
Finance for Sales Managers
A proven awareness of finance is essential for sales managers since finance is the way in which sales performance is ultimately measured. The number of products sold or services delivered is important but how that translates into money is vital. There is therefore a sharp interest taken on sales from forecasting to realisation ex. profitability ratios, sales budgets, etc. Also assessing customer credit worthiness is a vital aspect of sales budgets. Additionally sales people are usually remunerated on performance through a commission or bonus scheme and a sales manager needs to be on top of these figures.
Cognitive Flexibility
Cognitive Flexibility is an umbrella concept that help us to become more efficient and can be broadly defined as the ability to adapt behaviours in response to changes in the environment. This skill is essential for a professional to de develop because it allows them to break from routine and find new perspectives about any situations.
Managing a Sales Team
Connect your people, tools, customers and partners in a digital Era. Break down communication silos and bring teams together around common goals, projects and processes.
LinkedIn & Social Influencing
Networking is a critical business skill that each professional should exercise. People from your professional network can act as an extension of your own knowledge and connection. In order to expand the web of contacts and maintain the formed relationships a professional should continuously find a ways to become a voice and a presence on social medi
Sales Proposals
For most purchases of any size a buyer will usually want something in writing before making their decision (ex to show their decision maker or simply to substantiate what the sales person has told them). Sometimes a prospect will contact the sales organisation with an invitation to tender, which must be in writing and delivered in a certain format by a certain date. Sales organisations generally have a standard sales proposal which only requires the changing of the prospect’s name, but there are times when the sales person may need to spend considerable time and effort to produce a carefully crafted and individually focused proposal.
Advanced Negotiations
Those involved in procurement and supply activity will create and manage formal agreements which will be critical to organisational success. Part of the developmental process for such agreements will rely upon effective negotiations with stakeholders and/or suppliers and also the ability to influence the individuals and groups involved. This module is designed for those managers who may be faced with preparing for and completing negotiations.

Case study
Work in small groups
Role play
Group coaching
Collaborative learning
Small group activities
Virtual Learning Environment

All ISM assignments are applied to your business. both on the long and short term.
Some assignments might take months to complete however once done they can be directly implemented as Company Sales Procedures and transforming your potential into results.